mysql 查询当天所有重复数据

180it 2021-04-05 PM 2682℃ 0条

select * from info
where to_days(time) = to_days(now()) and tel in (select tel from info group by tel having count(tel) > 1);

info 数据库表名
tel 为手机号

方法2:mysql 查询当天所有重复数据
select * from info where to_days(time) = to_days(now()) and id not in (

    select from 
    (select max(id) as id from info  group by tel) as t

delete from info where to_days(time) = to_days(now()) and id not in (

    select from 
    (select max(id) as id from info  group by tel) as t
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标签: none

mysql 查询当天所有重复数据